Sir Robert Lorimer 1905-7 substantial remodelling of 1696 house (possibly by Sir William Bruce). Lorimer wrapped a classically designed range round the side and front elevations of the Bruce house, incorporating the Victorian rear wings for service blocks, the whole harled with ashlar chanelled dressings. Entrance elevation (west)
2 storeys with projecting single storey smoking room wing to north, canted bay to drawing room at south, arcaded loggia forming porch. GARDEN FRONT: 5 bays flanked by projecting wings bowed to the south; long sash windows to ground, sundial and shell niche with figure above central window. Multi-pane sashes, hipped slate roofs.
INTERIOR: hall: 1906 on lintel to chimney piece, panelled with coffered ceiling in Baronial manner; drawing room: French 18th century detail to plaster decoration and woodwork; dining room; late 17th century ceiling and pilaster details; room: incorporates chimney piece dated 1627; stair
hall: stairs with bold twisted balusters and melon caps to newels. Detailing to 1st floor rooms simpler. Terraced garden with wide balustraded steps leading to lowest level. Walled garden to north with gatepiers topped by swagged urns by Sir Robert Lorimer and wrought iron gates by Thomas Hadden in north wall.
Late 18th/early 19th century classical stable block. Droved ashlar with polished dressings to south elevation. Central bay advanced and pedimented with pend (now blocked) with channelled voussoirs, oeil-de-boeuf above; flanked by 2 single storey bays to east and west and outer advanced and taller bays with rusticated quoins and windows recessed in wide segmentally arched panels. Slate roofs, piended to pavilion bays.
Early 20th century. Single storey building with projecting porch to south with entrance leading to 2 rooms, one with washing equipment, the other for drying, ironing and airing. Slate roofed.
Circa 1860 with Baronial detail. Single storey, 3 bays with modern porch and bathroom extensions. Stugged ashlar with polished dressings, crowstepped gables, slate roof.